Cloud Face

Cloud_Face_detection_area - Yong Hun Kim.png

How do humans and machines interpret and process data?

Shinseungback Kimyonghun

Humans are so predisposed towards recognizing patterns that we often make connections between things that have no relationship to one another. Machines do this, too. This human tendency to find meaning in random data is known as apophenia, a type of cognitive bias that causes us to see figures in clouds. Cloud Face shows us what happens when machines make the same mistake: this collection of images has been classified in error as human faces by artificial intelligence. We don't always know when our predisposition towards pattern recognition creates a false positive, but in this case, it's easily apparent to a human but not at all apparent to a machine.


Shinseungback Kimyonghun is a Seoul based artistic duo consisting of engineer Shin Seung Back and artist Kim Yong Hun. Their collaborative practice explores technology and humanity. Their work has been exhibited internationally including Ars Electronica Center, ZKM, NTT ICC and MMCA.

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